
Dave Preskitt - SD biography

Dave Preskitt was A2-Clubcaller since begin to 2009


SD Biographie of Dave Preskitt


Since 1967 in the calling business, Dave began his career at the age of thirteen, in his hometown of Seattle, Washington. As a teenager, his calling engagements were limited to local festivals and "One-Night-Stands" around the Washington area.

Between 1975 and the present, Dave has performed frequently at Special Dances and Jamborees in almost every country in Western Europe, including Sweden, Denmark, England, Holland, Belgium, France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, and Germany. While residing in Texas and Oklahoma between 1994 - 1999, he was active in the North Texas Callers Association. 

His calling programs range from Student parties and jamborees, to mainstream specials, to Advanced level workshops and weekends. He has appeared at many other special events, such as Mediterranean Cruise dances, Ski and Dance vacations, and the famous European Square and Round Dance College, where he served as program director for 15 years. Dave has also been featured at numerous programs at the National Square Dance Conventions in America.



Dave has served in the European Callers and Teachers Association (ECTA) as it's Training Director, Vice President and President. 


Still a member of ECTA, Dave resides near Stuttgart, Germany, where he calls for the Teck Rovers, C-Lions and Tamburin Clubs, as well as the Heidelberg Hoedowners and Puss‘n Boots in Ulm. 


C-Lions Square Dance Club e.V.

z.H. Reinhold Scherr

Raichbergstr. 6

73760 Ostfildern

0711 / 442 171

0171 / 4405 334

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