C1 and C2 Clubnights

Usually we dance on Monday from 19:30 to 22:00,C1 in odd weeks and C2 in even weeks


For the dates please check Doodle


Please register by Friday evening at the latest;

if there are not enough dancers until Friday evening, the clubnight will not take place


Dancing location is: Begegnungsstätte Fasanenhof, Solferinoweg 7, 70565 Stuttgart


Note for people with allergy: Dogs may be present


Due to possible changes please check the Clubnight Doodle!



C-Lions Square Dance Club e.V.

z.H. Reinhold Scherr

Raichbergstr. 6

73760 Ostfildern



0711 / 442 171

0171 / 4405 334

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